Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Back! With a Twist....

Hi everyone!

Well, after just a few weeks away from the blog..I am back! But it is a little different this time. I have been talking to Amy from the Runners Lounge about a concept for their website that has me very excited! As nearly all of my blog buddies know, I have two small children, work full time outside of the home, have a busy husband and so on. I really enjoy reading all the great posts about the successes people have and the truely remarkable speeds, acheivements, mileage - very astounding! Having completed one marathon and several 1/2 marathons, I have yet to achieve my time goal so my hats go off for all those that do! I realized not that long ago that if I really wanted to do it all, there were some things that had to be removed from my life. As a result, I decided to break from my blog even though I knew I would miss it.

That said, I have come to realize that I really need this outlet for much more than just for running. I love reading the posts and embrace the feedback from others. Getting to know the bloggers has really been an inspiration! However, I need to channel my energy into the world I know best soooo....... I have decided to work with the Runners Lounge on something very exciting!

We thought that there was a great opportunity to create a new outlet on the Runners Lounge for a very special kind of runner - MOMS! With Mother's Day just behind us, I realized that running for Mom's is much more than just for exercise. Lots of Mom's start running after babies are born to lose the weight but discover a much better reward. Maybe you were a runner before you were a Mom or maybe not. Maybe you ran during pregnancy, or maybe you run with your kids now. Maybe you run to get a break from your kids or maybe you run to be a better mom. No matter how you got there - we want to hear from you!

Before we launch this great project - we want to know what you are looking for. What interests you as a Mom runner? What would you want to see? Are there topics out there that you think are not addressed enough? What do you think is missing? I have a TON of great things that I would love to write about but it is only interesting if people are getting what they are looking for! Maybe you are looking for a great network to start running groups for moms or maybe you want to start a team?? So many great things can be done but we are hoping you can help figure out what to do first!

One of the first questions we need to answer - we need a name for our group! I would love to have a great catchy name that says WE ARE MOMS AND WE RUN. Ideally it is just a few words and is not too cheesy. What do you think? Surely there is a Mom out there much more creative than me who has some great name for a bunch of crazy women who parent and run! It would also be great to have our own logo or design that was easy to recognize!

I know this is not going to be as interesting for the male bloggers or all those great running women out there who are not mom's but I plan to still read all your blogs as much as I can. I am very excited about working with the Runners Lounge on this project because I can really expand on what I know best as a runner - being a Mom who runs!

Thanks for all your input and please pass along this message to any other Mom's out there that you think might have some thoughts, advice, ideas - just about anything will do. You can comment on this post or even better - send me an email at I can't wait to get all your replies and watch for us on the Runners Lounge!


Rookie on the Run said...

Yay!! You're back! Sounds like you and Runners' Lounge have a great idea.

I'm so tired right now (you know... a MOM thing) I'll have to think about the whole mom aspect of running before replying.

Thanks for the Online Shoes certificate! I had no trouble using it at all and am very happy with my purchases. :)

Lindsay said...

i knew you couldn't stay away ;) glad you have found a balance and have an exciting new project for the lounge!

i'm not a mom, but if i happen to come up with any name suggestions i'll let you know! (i just don't think i could do it justice as a non-mom)

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like a great idea! I look forward to hearing more about it!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

glad you're back! :)

Denise said...

Thanks for the comment yesterday. I can't believe how caring and supportive everyone was. I appreciate your honesty and knowing I'm not alone.

Marlene said...

That's great news! It sounds very exciting and I think it will be the perfect outlet for you.

This isn't super originaly, but how about Moms on the Run?

justme said...

i am a mom who runs. i think it is a great idea and market area. check out the site runumother if you get a chance. we obviously can't use that tag line but it is a good one..

i like to know how moms manage to make time to run with kids? do you run with the kids or sans kids. have you always run? do you work with a running group. i have lot's of questions and ideas....

Laura said...

Thanks for the comment - good luck in Ottawa...right now, the weather looks pretty good.
I am a mom only to the 4 legged kind and I am not sure how you guys do it all with the 2-legged version....

RunToTheFinish said...

I'm not a mom, but think it would be an awesome tool if i was.

I'd call it WAMRS

We are mom runners

Heather said...

Sounds like a great idea!

Lily on the Road said...

Geeezzz, nice to hear from you!

I like Marlene's idea ~ Mom's on the Run....

Good luck this weekend, I'll be there cheering everyone on!

Mrs. Smith said...

Hi! I just happened upon this post from Runner's Lounge.

I have three young sons & running def. plays a huge role in my parenting and our life. I'm going to think about your questions & get back to you.

Great idea!

Mrs. Smith said...

What interests you as a Mom runner?

As a 'mom runner', I'm interested in keeping the 'costs' of running down, as well as ways to not take too much time away from my family to train.

Are there topics out there that you think are not addressed enough?

Safety!! My community was plagued by "the bike path rapist" for 15+ yrs, until he was finally caught.As a busy mom, I often have to squeeze my runs in at dawn or dusk, alone. I'd like to feel safer doing so. I know that having a partner would help, but wonder what else I can do.

Are looking for a great network to start running groups for moms or maybe you want to start a team?? That would be great! I'm always trying to recruit 'mom friends' to run with me.

My own mother is actually the one who got me into running after the birth of my third child.

Alexandra said...

Nice to see you back and in a way that will be beneficial to you and many others! I'm not a Mom but I admire those of you who are and are able to fit running into your busy busy schedules.

Treadmill Monkey said...

Sponsoring Reese's run sounds like a no-brainer to me. I think I'm going to have arthritis when I'm older, I already have something wrong with my hands my HMO won't diagnose, presumably because profits will suffer.

Treadmill Monkey said...

Oh, and if I do Sponsor you, any way I can get a link?

Anonymous said...

i think this is a FABULOUS idea--i ran in high school (many, many moons ago) and just started running again, almost always with my 17 month old DD in tow. i don't know how moms with 2 or more do it!

ihaverun said...

I am a mom and a runner and would love to be part of a group like this. I look forward to the details! I'll have to think about names and what I would want to see.